Monday, 29 June 2009

It's the little things...

Joy upon joy! I have my sexy red mixer. Hooyah.

I saw it a couple of weeks ago and, as is my way, um-ed and ah-ed over it for a week before deciding that I actually really do want it, that I’m not a student any more, that I am earning money, that I can actually spend it on things I want rather than things I need and it’s on sale anyway so I can feel that little bit less guilty.

So I dragged O along last week to be my muscle when it came to carrying it to the car. But! Woe upon woe – they were out of stock. My world was rocked to its very core and all my weekend baking plans promptly flew out of the window. A sad day for all, I think you’ll agree.

So, wiping a tear from my eye, I wrote my name and number in the sales assistants little book with the promise that he’d call me when they got more stock in, and that it would still be on sale.

I waited. As patiently as I could (not very), whinging as little as I could (at least once a day) about how I wanted my mixer and wanted it NOW! I trawled through websites and cookbooks listing all the things I wanted to make. I bought bundt pans and mini-muffin tins. All because I didn’t have my mixer. It was starting to become a bit of a problem.

Then yesterday! My phone rang and a lovely man told me that my mixer was in stock and that they’d hold it for me until I got there after work.

Since O is away this week I made my own way to Marina Mall, having been assured when I popped in to the shop last week that I’d be able to carry the mixer on my own. Once there however, the sales assistant had other ideas. Having persuaded him that I didn’t need one of the shop men to carry it to the taxi rank for me, we then attempted to get the thing in a bag. The biggest bag they had ripped. I tried to explain that I’d like to wrap the box up using the ripped bag and some tape and that I’d carry it by the handles in the box, but the sales assistant did not approve and insisted on someone helping me. The fella turned up with a flat bed on wheels for heaven’s sake! All for a little mixer! I felt very silly walking behind him as he weaved his way through the mall and we both had a laugh about it – I think he felt a little silly too.

I managed to wrestle it out of the cab and into the flat where I unpacked it with all the excitement of a four year old at Christmas. After oo-ing and ah-ing for a little while, I put all the removable gubbins in the dishwasher, read the instructions and spent the rest of the evening trying to decide what to make first.

So here it is, my sexy red mixer. Standing proud up on the counter and waiting patiently to be christened with some batter-delight or other. I’m thinking chocolate chip cookies.

I noticed, as I was putting it all together, that our kitchen has inadvertently become a Kenwood kitchen. Completely by accident we have a Kenwood food processor, hand blender, deep-fryer (not my purchase choice!), rice cooker and now mixer! No one would believe that we aren’t a Kenwood-loving couple and that it is completely accidental – but it is! Truly and honestly… now where was that Kenwood catalogue again?
The Kenwood Krew all lined up

1 comment:

Cover Girl said...

oh it is gorgeous! Love the wheely story - can you imagine that happening in the UK?!